Following a wonderful September with our 20th Anniversary and being awarded an NIH-SBIR Phase 2 Grant, October has been nothing short of exciting for us here at Golden Helix. We know that none of our success could happen without the continuous support all of you show us – so thank you to everyone who is a part of this awesome community!
We had the opportunity to be featured in several different articles to highlight all that is currently happening here at HQ… and a glimpse at what lies ahead. You can find several of these articles below. Please continue on to read the full article! Enjoy 🙂

Golden Helix Gets $1.8M to Improve Detection Algorithms for Complex Variants in NGS Data – GenomeWeb
Sep 17, 2018 | Uduak Grace Thomas – Armed with a $1.8 million Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the National Institutes of Health, Bozeman, Montana-based bioinformatics company Golden Helix is developing and refining proprietary algorithms for detecting copy number variants and other structural variants from next-generation sequencing data in clinical contexts… Continue Reading >
Golden Helix Looks Ahead After Receiving NIH Grant For Structural Variation Detection – Bio-IT World
October 16, 2018 | Allison Proffitt – When Andreas Scherer took over as the CEO and president of Golden Helix in April 2013, he knew it was time for the company to shift from a research focus to a more clinical focus. With his Ph.D. in computer science, a master bioinformatics, and international business experience, Scherer was uniquely qualified to implement Golden Helix’s expansion into the clinical space. The company launched its first clinical product in 2014 and a new product every six months or from then on out. This September, the Golden Helix celebrated its 20th anniversary and announced another grant from the National Institutes of Health to dig further into detecting structural variations… Continue Reading >
10 Most Trusted Software Development Companies, 2018 – MirrorReview
The contemporary software industry is evolving at a rapid pace as well as providing enormous benefits to virtually any industrial sector. Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Blockchain technologies are enabling new capabilities, automating routine work, and providing the ability to improve quality, among many other things. All of these technological implementations and progressions are currently evident in the software development space. Looking from the precision medicine perspective, genetic testing technology, and infrastructure are also transforming quickly. Hospitals and healthcare organizations around the globe are building their own infrastructure to handle the increasing testing volume… Continue Reading >