Recent Customer Publications

         October 4, 2016

Many of our customers published throughout September using our SVS software, and we love sharing their work with you. There’s bound to be a topic among the wide variety we’ve highlighted here that will spark your interest!

If you have published recently and we missed it, please let us know at [email protected]. For a full list of our publications, visit our website here.

2 thoughts on “Recent Customer Publications

  1. Kazima Bulayeva

    In our Gadestan Genetic Heritage (DGH) study in some rare genetic isolates of Dagestan where we ascertained high aggregation of certain brain diseases, using SVS tool we analysed CNV and ROH based on genome-wide scanned AFFX SNP 500K. Our results published:
    1.Thompson P., Stein…Bulayeva K et al., 2015. ENIGMA and the Individual: Predicting Factors that Affect the Brain in 35 Countries Worldwide. Invited Paper,NeuroImage
    2.Kazima Bulayeva, Klaus-Peter Lesch, Oleg Bulayev, Christopher Walsh, Stephen Glatt, Farida Gurgenova, JamiljaOmarova, Irina Berdichevets, Paul M. Thompson (2015). Genomic Structural Variation In Linked With Intellectual Disability Regions In a Dagestan Genetic Isolate. J. Neural Transmission. 122(9):1289-301.
    3. Bulayev O.A., Gurgenova F.R., Guseinova U.M. and Bulayeva K.B. (2012).Mapping genes of major recurrent depression in two Dagestan genetic isolates. Korsakov J. of Neuropsychiatry, 111,10:62 (Russia)
    4. Bulayeva K.B., Lencz Todd, Takumi T., Glatt S.J., Gurgenova F.R, Guseynova U. , Kawakami H., Bulayev O.A. (2011) Mapping Genes of Early Onset Major Depressive Disorder in Dagestan Genetic Isolates. Turkish J of Psychiatry, 2012 Fall;23(3):161-70.
    5.• Bulayeva K.B., Bulayev O.A., (2016) Genomic architecture of complex diseases in genetic isolates. Stephen Glatt, Ed. Springer (Germany), in press


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