Category Archives: CancerKB

A Hidden Gem Inside Golden Helix CancerKB

         July 18, 2024

The FDA approved the first medical therapy for desmoid tumors only a few months ago! What’s the big deal, right? Desmoid tumors are non-cancerous and can’t even metastasize. Well, in this blog post, I want to discuss these interesting tumors, and you will find that not only are these tumors anything but benign, but Golden Helix CancerKB has you covered… Read more »

Golden Helix CancerKB 3.0: Focus on Cancer Gene Interpretation

         November 28, 2023

I am very excited to announce that a new version of Golden Helix CancerKB has been released! This new version of CancerKB comes with some exciting upgrades bolstering the gene interpretations and cancer gene evidence. Before I jump into the details of the new information that is now in CancerKB, I want to give everyone a quick reminder of what… Read more »

Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations and Gene Fusions in Cancer

         July 25, 2023
Felix Mitelman

While the analysis of gene fusions is crucial for understanding the genetic basis of cancer, the process of interpreting these mutations can be challenging. One important component of fusion interpretation is the identification of relevant publications. To aid researchers in the search for publications related to specific gene fusions, Felix Mitelman, and colleagues have created the Mitelman Database of Chromosome… Read more »

Using Evaluation Scripts to Automatically Incorporate Secondary Evidence into Your AMP Workflow

         June 15, 2023

The AMP guidelines workflow in VSClinical provides a user-friendly tool for the interpretation of somatic biomarkers across the entire spectrum of genomic variation. One of the most useful features of this workflow is its ability to streamline the evaluation of clinical evidence for a somatic biomarker using the AMP Tier evidence levels. The AMP Guidelines classify a biomarker into one… Read more »

Managing the Scope of Somatic Variants Reported in VSClinical

         April 13, 2023
Managing the Scope of Somatic Variants Reported in VSClinical

Discover the power of VSClinical’s Interpretation Match Behavior options for managing the scope of somatic variants in cancer reporting, enabling clinical teams to make informed treatment decisions. Multiple interpretations can apply to a single biomarker or tumor type. In some circumstances, a clinical team may only want to report the most relevant and significant biomarker, treatment, diagnosis, or prognosis interpretations… Read more »

Maximizing Cancer Care with Golden Helix CancerKB 2.0: Unveiling the Latest in Precision Medicine

         January 26, 2023
Maximizing Cancer Care with Golden Helix CancerKB 2.0 Unveiling the Latest in Precision Medicine icon

Our recent webcast, Maximizing the Benefits of Comprehensive Genomic Testing in Cancer Care with Golden Helix CancerKB 2.0, was an opportunity to unveil Golden Helix CancerKB v2.0. Our latest VarSeq release was designed to address the changing landscape of cancer genomics, and in this webcast, we discussed the application of our very own Golden Helix CancerKB in the context of… Read more »

AMP Manual Deep Dive: VSClinical’s Interpretation for Cancer Biomarker Annotation

         January 24, 2023

VSClinical AMP Matching of Interpretations  In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of the VSClinical AMP interpretation workflow. At the heart of this process lies the task of annotating cancer biomarkers with the correct interpretations based on the classification of the tumor and the type and scope of the biomarker. This is a crucial step in understanding… Read more »

New Annotations Product Page

         March 30, 2022

Golden Helix is always trying to add new helpful resources to aid in using Golden Helix products for NGS analysis. In today’s blog, I am very excited to introduce a new resource for Golden Helix users! A new resource that is now available is our Golden Helix Annotations product page available on the Golden Helix Learning Hub! The goal for… Read more »

Highlights From Our Golden Helix CancerKB Webcast

         November 24, 2021

Thank you to everyone who attended Using Golden Helix CancerKB to Accelerate NGS Cancer Testing! I had a great time showing off Golden Helix CancerKB and how it can enhance NGS analysis in cancer, I certainly hope you enjoyed it! If you were unable to make the live session, we have added the on-demand recording to our site, or we… Read more »

Details of the Golden Helix CancerKB Database Update

         October 21, 2021
cancerkb updates

Recently we have released blog posts discussing updates to annotations in VarSeq such as ClinVar and COSMIC. Keeping with that trend, in this blog post, I will discuss the most recent updates to the Golden Helix CancerKB database. For those how may be unfamiliar with the Golden Helix CancerKB source, it is a professional curated set of interpretations for the… Read more »

Highlights from “Reduce Turn-Around with Enhanced Cancer Annotations and Golden Helix CancerKB Updates”

         July 22, 2021

We had a wonderful turnout for our recent webcast, “Reduce Turn-Around with Enhanced Cancer Annotations & Golden Helix CancerKB Updates.” Thanks so much to those who were able to join us! And not to worry, we have a link to the recording here just in case you weren’t able to make it. We covered the gamut of new and updated annotation tracks available in VarSeq along… Read more »