Genetic Data Warehousing e-Book

         February 10, 2016

Genetic Data Warehousing e-Book

In our webcast last week, we announced the upcoming release of VSWarehouse, a scalable genetic data warehouse for VarSeq. Genetic data warehousing becomes more important as Next-Generation Sequencing is taking off in the clinic, creating significant data management issues for clinicians, scientists and IT professionals alike. How can we retain the massive amounts of data coming out of clinical pipelines in a way that enables labs to systematically build a knowledge base, capturing the insights clinicians gain on a day to day basis while analyzing the genetic information of their patients? What infrastructure is required to alert medical personnel of new research that could potentially alter medical decisions? And how can we embed the work that is being done in the labs into the general hospital workflows?

Data warehousing is a pivotal technology that can help in all of these areas. In this book, I will explain the concept of Data Warehousing and discuss the use cases for this technology vis-a-vis the upcoming requirements in clinical labs that are implementing Precision Medicine.

You can download my new Genetic Data Warehousing e-Book for free on our website here.

Genetic Data WarehouseIf you have questions, or if you are interested in learning about our early adopter program for VSWarehouse, please contact us at [email protected].

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