Tag Archives: Demos

Golden Helix at ESHG 2024 in Berlin, Germany!

         May 21, 2024

We are excited to participate in the European Human Genetics (ESHG) 2024 conference, where we will showcase our latest advancements in genetic analysis software. Attendees can visit Booth #428 to explore tools like VarSeq, VS-CNV, VSClinical, VSPipeline, and VSWarehouse. These solutions, aligned with ACMG and AMP Guidelines, offer powerful options for genomic analysis. Live demos will highlight our newest pharmacogenomics… Read more »

ASHG Happenings

         October 8, 2014

It’s that time of year again. The mornings are chilly, the leaves are falling, and ASHG is right around the corner. This year will mark my very first ASHG and I am really looking forward to meeting some of the Golden Helix community! The team has been hard at work preparing for a great conference and I wanted to give you… Read more »