Category Archives: News, events, & announcements

New Plant/Animal Genomes and Annotation Tracks Now Available

         December 8, 2011

Recently we have expanded our annotation track offerings with new human variant frequency catalogs such as the 1000 Genomes Phase 1 Data. Of course, we also curate data for plant and animal genomes – some of which are currently available in our software and some of which will be available in our next release. In this blog post, I will… Read more »

SVS 7.5 Now Available!

         July 28, 2011

More powerful rare variant analysis and visualization techniques We are proud to unveil SNP & Variation Suite (SVS) 7.5! The fifth installment of SVS delivers the most powerful rare variant analysis tools with the latest advances in tertiary or “sense making” methods for DNA next-gen sequencing. This release also adds some cool and productive features to our popular Genome Browser…. Read more »

Going Coast to Coast for the Latest NGS News

         June 23, 2011

Last week I was able to attend two very interesting conferences about the latest developments in the analysis of sequence data.  I started the week in San Diego at the Illumina iDEA Conference and finished it in Philadelphia at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s (CHOP) Third Annual Next-Generation Sequencing Symposium.  The Illumina conference was an opportunity to learn about the latest… Read more »

SVS 7.5 Feature Sneak Peek: Grouping and Filtering in the Genome Browser

         June 8, 2011

Ever since the release of SNP & Variation Suite (SVS) 7.4 back in January, our software engineers have been hard at work developing new functionality for the next version, to enable researchers to have even more control over their data. (Okay, well really, they started working on it before 7.4 even came out.) While the full details of 7.5 are… Read more »

Updates to CNAM Make SVS the Fastest and Most Accurate Copy Number Tool for Common and Rare CNVs

         March 16, 2011

A recent email from a user of SVS: “Your CNAM Optimal Segmentation algorithm is by far the best I ever used and believe me, I’ve tried many. Great use of the GPU for segmentation – it is 3x faster than using my 8 CPUs alone and 25x faster compared to 1 CPU.” SNP & Variation Suite (SVS) version 7.4 introduced… Read more »

ASHG 2010 is here!

         November 2, 2010

Well, it’s that time of year again, when the genetics world convenes for the American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting. This year, we have the privilege of heading to the nation’s capital for the week of November 2-6. ASHG is always a highlight of our year as Golden Helix employees get the opportunity to talk to so many researchers… Read more »

Conference Report: International Genetic Epidemiology Society and Genetic Analysis Workshop

         October 27, 2010

The week of October 10-16th was a busy time in our industry.  Hundreds of biostatisticians, genetic epidemiologists, and statistical geneticists gathered in Cambridge, MA for the annual conference of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society (IGES) on October 10-12, followed by the biennial Genetic Analysis Workshop (GAW) on October 13-16.  I had the opportunity to participate in both conferences, and I… Read more »

Report from Capita Selecta in Complex Disease Analysis Conference in Belgium

         September 14, 2010

How much fun is a person allowed to have when going to a conference? That kind of sums up my personal experience going to the first ever Capita Selecta in Complex Disease Analysis (bi-annual) conference in Leuven, Belgium. Not only was it fun, but the conference program was packed with interesting talks and short courses. Dr. Kristel van Steen and… Read more »