We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of new genome maps and annotation tracks for turkey, pig, goat, and cat species. These new Reference Sequence and Gene tracks are available for use in both SNP & Variation Suite (SVS) and GenomeBrowse.
The new genome builds are for Meleagris gallopavo (turkey), Sus scrofa (pig), Capri hircus (goat), and Felis catus (cat):
- Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) melGal5 from Ensembl Genome Browser. Golden Helix documentation links:
- Reference Sequence, Ensembl

- Goat (Capra hircus) Capra hircus ARS1 from Ensembl Genome Browser. Golden Helix documentation links:
- Reference Sequence, Ensembl

- Pig (Sus scrofa) Sscrofa_11.1 from NCBI Genome Browser. Golden Helix documentation links:
- Reference Sequence, NCBI

- Cat (Felis catus) Felis catus 9.0 from NCBI Genome Browser. Golden Helix documentation links:
- Reference Sequence, NCBI

The new genomes will be shipped with the SVS 8.8.2 release but can also be received before the release by using the Genome Assemblies. You can get the genome maps by going to Tools > Manage Genome Assemblies and click on Download from Golden Helix.
To obtain the new annotation tracks for these genomes, from SVS please go to Tools > Manage Data Sources and filter the species and build using the drop-down menus and selecting the Public Annotations > Assembly folder. Select the Reference Sequence and click Download. Once these tracks are downloaded they will be available for use in both SVS and GenomeBrowse.
We are continuing to add new annotation tracks, support new species, and update genome builds. If you would like to request a particular database be converted into an annotation track or would like to see a particular species or build be available in SVS and GenomeBrowse, please email us and let us know!