First-place Abstract Competition Winner, Michael Iacocca, shared his research with the Golden Helix Community during our February webcast ‘Using NGS to detect CNVs in familial hypercholesterolemia‘. In this webcast, he gave a great explanation on how our CNV caller aided his team in their research. If you were unable to join us for the event, you can find a recording… Read more »
SVS offers options for performing many different QC functions on genomic data. This blog takes you through some of the most commonly applied filters for various analysis types. Filters for GWAS data vary depending on the type of association tests you are performing. A typical GWAS for a common variant usually requires filters to remove problematic or poorly called variants,… Read more »
Join us tomorrow, July 9th at 12PM EDT, for Ashley Hintz’s webcast on GWAS in a Model Organism: Arabidopsis Thaliana. Joining the Golden Helix team as a Field Application Scientist in April of 2014, Hintz is the perfect candidate to present on Arabidopsis Thaliana given her background in zoology and phylogenetics of planigales.