Tag Archives: CNV Caller

Plotting CNV Metrics in VarSeq

         June 11, 2024

Golden Helix has a long history of developing a high-quality NGS-based CNV caller. This has become even more apparent with our latest publication, where we teamed up with Twist Bioscience to demonstrate VarSeq capability of calling large copy number variants utilizing their clinical whole exome sequencing data. You can access the recent publication here: Analyzing Performance of Twist Bioscience Exome… Read more »

Optimizing CNV caller for smaller panels

         September 22, 2022
optimizing cnv caller

The ability to analyze copy number variants (CNVs) is an important aspect of any clinical or research workflow. While calling CNVs can be a challenging engineering problem, we are thrilled by our capacity to detect, analyze, and catalog CNVs all in the same place with VarSeq-CNV. In this blog, we will dive into the particulars of detecting CNVs with gene… Read more »

VarSeq Copy Number Variant Caller Tutorial

         February 20, 2020

Since the initial release of the copy number variant algorithms in VarSeq, our team has created a variety of content to help users get started with building their copy number variant projects. In our webcast library, you can find a few of our recent webcasts in 2019 covering CNV workflows and validation: Clinical Validation of Copy Number Variants Using the… Read more »

Using NGS to detect CNVs in familial hypercholesterolemia Q&A

         February 19, 2018

First-place Abstract Competition Winner, Michael Iacocca, shared his research with the Golden Helix Community during our February webcast ‘Using NGS to detect CNVs in familial hypercholesterolemia‘. In this webcast, he gave a great explanation on how our CNV caller aided his team in their research. If you were unable to join us for the event, you can find a recording… Read more »

Bring the Value of VS-CNV to Genomic Research in SVS

         January 4, 2018
Eigenvalue Decomposition

The Golden Helix SNP & Variation Suite (SVS) platform is a powerful and versatile set of tools and algorithms for performing genomic research. That research spans from data originating on genotype micro-arrays to next-generation sequencing. While the majority of SVS users start with genotype data on their samples, any genomic information across a cohort can be used in our various… Read more »

VarSeq Updated with CNV Annotations, CNV PhoRank and Region Assessment Catalogs

         October 19, 2017
VarSeq Updated

VarSeq Updated with CNV Annotations, CNV PhoRank, and Region Assessment Catalogs This year we have released multiple advances to support CNV analysis in VarSeq, expanding our target region based VS-CNV caller to handle exomes and low-depth genomes as well as additional supporting algorithms like calling Loss of Heterozygosity regions. To top this off, VarSeq 1.4.7 has been shipped with many… Read more »