Tag Archives: WGS

CNV Specific Updates to VarSeq 2.6.0

         May 6, 2024

The recent release of VarSeq 2.6.0 was filled with so many customer-requested features (for example, our long-awaited PGx workflow!) that some of our other new features have not yet had their time in the spotlight. For this blog, we are thrilled to announce that with the release of VarSeq 2.6.0, we have made WGS CNV calling more user-friendly than ever… Read more »

Considerations When Calling CNVs on Shallow Whole Genomes

         December 20, 2018
CNV Annotations

We are happy to announce that our latest version of SVS includes the ability to call CNVs on low read depth Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data. Designed for calling large cytogenetic events, this algorithm can detect chromosomal aneuploidy events and other large events spanning one or more bands of a chromosome from genomes with average coverage as low as 0.05x…. Read more »