Author Archives: Mary Marks

Our Customers’ Success

         August 13, 2015

August is off to a great start, especially for some of our customers who have recently published. I wanted to take a minute to share their work with you. Gabor Meszaros of BOKU University Vienna and colleagues published Genome-Wide Selection Signatures in Pinzgau Cattle in Potravinarstvo Scientific Journal for Food Industry which used SNP BeadChips to identifygenomic regions near QTL associated… Read more »

Dr. Folefac Aminkeng Publishes in Nature Genetics

         August 11, 2015

Today I wanted to take a moment to recognize a long-time Golden Helix customer, Dr. Folefac Aminkeng of the Canadian Pharmacogenomics Network for Drug Safety and the University of British Columbia on his recent publication A coding variant in RARG confers susceptibility to anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in childhood cancer, in Nature Genetics. Aminkeng and his colleagues performed a genome-wide association study in… Read more »

An Introduction to Vivien Sheehan

         August 6, 2015
Dr. Vivien Sheehan

Last month our webcast featured the third place winner of our Annual Abstract Challenge, Dr. Raluca Mateescu, and August’s webcast will feature co-winner, Dr. Vivien Sheehan. Dr. Sheehan’s submission last winter surrounded the pharmacogenomics of hydroxyurea in sickle cell anemia, and we are excited to have her present this research for our Golden Helix community next week (August 12th, register… Read more »

Recent Customer Publications

         July 28, 2015

Congratulations to all of our customers who have recently published! It’s always a pleasure to see the interesting and useful work conducted in part with the aid of our software, and we hope you enjoy reading about it as well. Bradley Aouzierat of UCSF and colleagues published Association of IFNL3 and IFNL4 polymorphisms with liver-related mortality in a multiracial cohort… Read more »

Using GWAS to Improve the Economics of the Aquaculture Industry

         July 9, 2015

Recently, customer Xin Geng of Auburn University published a paper using SVS, and we wanted to share his story with you. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or if you would like to learn more about SVS at [email protected]. For PhD graduate student Xin Geng, conducting Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) to uncover the quantitative trait… Read more »

An Introduction to Dr. Ralucu Mateescu

         July 2, 2015

A few months ago in Golden Helix’s 2nd Annual Abstract Challenge, Dr. Raluca Mateescu tied for third place with her entry on the palatability of beef. We mentioned in our previous post highlighting all of the challenge winners that Dr. Mateescu would be presenting her work for the Golden Helix community and the time has come! Next week for our… Read more »

Command-line Interface added to Golden Helix’s VarSeq Software

         June 18, 2015

Golden Helix recently announced the addition of VSPipeline to our VarSeq software. VSPipeline is a command-line interface that will allow high throughput environments the ability to tap the full power of VarSeq’s algorithms and flexible project template system from any command line context, including existing bioinformatics pipeline. VSPipeline supports the need to efficiently generate VarSeq projects from workflow-encoding project templates…. Read more »

Call for Abstracts!

         December 11, 2014

As Andreas Scherer mentioned in his post last Tuesday, we will kick off our 2nd annual Abstract Challenge Monday, December the 15th. Here are the details. All academic, government, and commercial organizations world-wide working with genetic data (regardless of species) are invited to apply. Your project should be using DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq, SNP, or CNV methodology, as well as testing gene panels or searching… Read more »

Bridging the gap between genetics and organic chemistry at UIUC

         December 9, 2014

As Dr. Andreas Scherer mentioned in a blog post earlier this year, Golden Helix is committed to supporting the education of the next generation of genetic researchers. And as such, over the course of 2014, we at Golden Helix are working with education programs across the US and Canada to make teaching and learning bioinformatics easier. This fall semester at the… Read more »

Don’t miss the VarSeq user experience webcast tomorrow!

         November 4, 2014

We are shortly approaching the public launch (November 5th!) of our first clinical product, VarSeq. We could not have predicted how well the market would accept VarSeq – but we couldn’t be happier! For those of you who have not yet seen our newest product in action, I invite you to register for tomorrow’s webcast: The Golden Helix VarSeq User Experience.

Check out our newest t-shirts!

         October 30, 2014

As you might recall, we hosted our first annual t-shirt design contest this summer. We announced the winners, but kept the winning t-shirt designs themselves top secret until ASHG where we unveiled them day by day. But, if you did not attend ASHG last week, you are probably still on the edge of your seat. Well, luckily, I will reveal… Read more »

A new chapter for Golden Helix

         October 14, 2014

In our latest webcast (which introduced our newest product, VarSeq), Dr. Andreas Scherer, President and CEO of Golden Helix, announced the completion of 2 e-Books; one entitled Clinical Next-Gen Sequencing Analysis and one GWAS. Dr. Scherer published these e-books as part of Golden Helix’s continued effort to provide educational content to our clients and the genetic community as well as to put a… Read more »

ASHG Happenings

         October 8, 2014

It’s that time of year again. The mornings are chilly, the leaves are falling, and ASHG is right around the corner. This year will mark my very first ASHG and I am really looking forward to meeting some of the Golden Helix community! The team has been hard at work preparing for a great conference and I wanted to give you… Read more »

Top 3 Most Viewed Tutorials from Golden Helix

         September 12, 2014

Tutorials are ever-present in the world today, and for good reason. Why struggle through a complicated process yourself, when there is already a guide established to assist? While no one would suggest that a tutorial is the only way to complete a project, it is certainly a nice starting point. This rings true with genetic software as well. There are… Read more »

And the winners are…

         August 1, 2014

Drumroll, please! Voting has come to a close for the 2014 Golden Helix T-shirt contest, and there were some clear favorites among the finalists. We are very excited at the wealth of creativity that came forward with this contest and are happy to announce that our final decisions have been made.

Introducing Dr. Heather J. Huson

         July 16, 2014

It is with great excitement that we introduce our next webcast: Population Structure & Genetic Improvement in Livestock, presented by Dr. Heather J. Huson of Cornell University. Huson was one of the first place winners in this year’s research abstract competition. As part of the competition Huson has the opportunity to present her research in a webcast on Tuesday July… Read more »