Category Archives: About Golden Helix

A little known fact about Box Plots

         October 16, 2014

A helpful tool that is included in SVS, but many of our customers may not know about, is the ability to create Box Plots or box-and-whisker plots. These are effective visualizations for comparing groups of numerical data through the data quartiles. I’ll take you through a couple different cases with examples.

Entering the Clinical Testing Market with VarSeq

         September 25, 2014

The adoption of genetic services is key to our ability to provide personalized medicine in the future. The goal is to better diagnose diseases, predict their outcomes, and to choose the best possible care option for a patient. Our part here at Golden Helix is to essentially build the equivalent of an MRI for the genome. In this process the latest… Read more »

Meet Andrew Jesaitis: Software Engineer

         March 7, 2013

In 2011, I was looking for my next move and happened to attend a lecture given by Gabe Rudy at Montana State University. I was immediately struck by his passion and intelligence about the field of bioinformatics. He ended his talk by mentioning that Golden Helix was hiring, and I decided to apply. During my interviews, I discovered that these… Read more »

Meet Autumn Laughbaum: Biostatistician

         January 9, 2013

As a senior studying statistics at Montana State University, I was fortunate to be granted the opportunity to intern with the development team at a local software company.  I was even more fortunate when this internship turned into full-time employment after I graduated. Working on a team with extremely talented individuals, I realized the significant impact our company makes through… Read more »