Tag Archives: Copy Number Variants

Plotting CNV Metrics in VarSeq

         June 11, 2024

Golden Helix has a long history of developing a high-quality NGS-based CNV caller. This has become even more apparent with our latest publication, where we teamed up with Twist Bioscience to demonstrate VarSeq capability of calling large copy number variants utilizing their clinical whole exome sequencing data. You can access the recent publication here: Analyzing Performance of Twist Bioscience Exome… Read more »

Optimizing CNV caller for smaller panels

         September 22, 2022
optimizing cnv caller

The ability to analyze copy number variants (CNVs) is an important aspect of any clinical or research workflow. While calling CNVs can be a challenging engineering problem, we are thrilled by our capacity to detect, analyze, and catalog CNVs all in the same place with VarSeq-CNV. In this blog, we will dive into the particulars of detecting CNVs with gene… Read more »

Webcast Recap: Exome Analysis with VS-CNV and VSClinical: Updated Strategies and Expanded Capabilities

         April 8, 2021
Exome CNV webcast

Thank you to those who attended the recent webcast, “Exome Analysis with VS-CNV & VSClinical: Updated Strategies & Expanded Capabilities”. For those who could not attend but wish to watch, here is a link to the recording. In this webcast, we covered the capabilities and updates that have been incorporated into VarSeq that enhance whole exome sequencing workflows. The new… Read more »

Upcoming VS-CNV Update: CNV Event Reporting with ACMG Guidelines

         October 22, 2020

Golden Helix is excited to release an upcoming VSClinical feature that allows users to analyze next-generation sequencing (NGS) CNV event reporting with ACMG guidelines. This feature will be the first in the NGS workspace to allow this capability and if you are curious about the functionalities you can get a sneak peek by looking at some of our most recent… Read more »

Golden Helix’s NGS-Solutions for Clinical Variant Analysis: VarSeq’s CNV Frequency Assessment Catalogs

         August 20, 2020

Our software solutions and partners have brought dramatic improvements to the secondary and tertiary analysis stages of variant evaluation. Regarding secondary analysis, we’ve discussed increased efficiencies in speed and overall accuracy in the variant calling process with Sentieon. On the tertiary side, we have explored numerous workflows in VarSeq highlighting filtration to clinically relevant variants, as well as the automated… Read more »

Golden Helix’s NGS-Solutions for Clinical Variant Analysis: VSClinical’s Assessment Catalog

         August 14, 2020

It doesn’t take much effort to find articles discussing the value of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). There is a consistent tone amongst authors that implementing NGS pipelines are critical for clinical efficiency in both hereditary disorders and somatic. However, NGS strategies do not come without their own challenges. Challenges include not only the detection and calling of high quality/probability variants from… Read more »

Copy Number Variants Using AMP Guidelines

         October 10, 2019

The common approaches to detecting copy number variants (CNVs) are chromosomal microarray and MLPA. However, both options increase analysis time, per sample costs, and are limited to the size of CNV events that can be detected. VarSeq’s CNV caller, on the other hand, allows users to detect CNVs from the coverage profile stored in the BAM file, which allows you… Read more »