Tag Archives: VarSeq

Automating Clinical Workflows: Part II

         April 11, 2019

In the previous blog post, we covered the automated steps to create a VarSeq project. Today we will examine the active analysis steps. These are the steps that require human interpretation to analyze the clinically relevant variants. A lab tech can take the first pass at the output in the generated VarSeq project. They can perform the quality control and… Read more »

Automating Clinical Workflows: Part I

         April 3, 2019

Automating a clinical workflow creates a stable and repeatable clinical analysis. Automation reduces the potential to introduce human error, helps in regulatory compliance, and improves the precision of the clinical results. It is important to know that if you run a sample through your clinical pipeline, you are going to get the same results today as you will in 6… Read more »

Case Study: Odense University Hospital

         February 7, 2019

The Department of Clinical Genetics at Odense University Hospital offers a variety of genetic analyses for families of syndromic children and other inherited conditions, averaging 4,000 genetic analyses per year. In 2016, the lab decided to introduce whole exome sequencing to their offerings to take over a lot of the work they were currently conducting via gene panel analysis. They… Read more »

How To: VarSeq VCF Import

         February 5, 2019

The Beginning of Your Tertiary Analysis VarSeq is designed to be your NGS tertiary analysis solution providing users simple but in-depth means of exploring gene panel, exome, and whole genome variants. For those not accustomed to the VarSeq software, the main import file for variant analysis is the VCF. Those who are familiar with the VCF know that there can… Read more »

VarSeq PhoRank Part: 2 Sample PhoRank Gene Ranking

         December 18, 2018

The PhoRank tool in VarSeq is further explored in this post by looking at the sample-specific capability. VarSeq PhoRank Part: 1 Variant Phorank Gene Ranking showed how the PhoRank algorithm could be applied to all the variants in a VarSeq project, regardless of the number of (or difference in) samples. There is another PhoRank algorithm in VarSeq that allows the… Read more »

VarSeq PhoRank Part 1: Variant PhoRank Gene Ranking

         December 13, 2018

One of the main goals of clinical genomic labs is to identify problematic variants in affected individuals. One tool to assist in this search is the phenotype driven variant ontological re-ranking tool in VarSeq called PhoRank. A common situation facing clinicians is sorting through thousands of variants provided by an individual’s exome data (or possibly the individual’s nuclear family exome… Read more »

Annotating and Cataloging CNVs in Varseq – Webcast Q&A

         October 25, 2018

We love when our viewers send questions in during the webcast but unfortunately we can’t answer all of them during the time allotted!  If you asked a question see below for answers, or if after viewing, you have any questions that weren’t asked, please feel free to send those over to [email protected]. Does this work for FFPE derived DNA or ctDNA?… Read more »

CNV Setup & Quality Assessment: Part 1

         July 26, 2018

2017 was a busy year regarding the development of our CNV tools. Since the release of the CNV caller, we have produced quite a bit of content tailored to assist our users with getting started. Here are some links: Robarts Research Institute CNV analysis on patients with familial hypercholesterolemia CNV annotations Common CNV questions CNV calling with shallow whole genome… Read more »

VSClinical: The details you should know

         July 19, 2018

The recent release of VSClinical gives users the ability to evaluate variants based on the 33 criteria according to the American College of Medical Genetic and Genomics (ACMG) guidelines. This feature leverages a variety of variant sequencing evidence including population data, functional data, and computational predictions while providing rich visualizations and auto recommendations to help answer challenging criteria. This highly… Read more »

Functional Predictions & Conservation Scores in VSClinical

         May 17, 2018

In our previous webcast, we discussed the splice site algorithms for clinical genomics within VSClinical. We took it a step further in yesterday’s webcast and looked at the functional predictions and conservation scores. We had a great turnout for this event with lots of great questions from the attendees. I’d like to recap our Q&A for anyone else who might… Read more »

Small-Lab VarSeq PowerPack

         March 6, 2018
VarSeq PowerPack

Ready to take your analysis to the next level? Our Small-Lab VarSeq PowerPack enables users to move their analysis from FASTQ to clinical reporting through one streamlined pipeline. Here’s what’s included: VarSeq VarSeq is an intuitive, integrated software solution for tertiary analysis. With VarSeq you can automate your workflows and analyze variants for gene panels, exomes, and whole genomes. VS-CNV… Read more »

Second-Place Abstract Competition Winner

         February 20, 2018

I hope you were able to join us for last week’s webcast where we invited first-place abstract competition winner Michael Iacocca to present on his submission “Using NGS to detect CNVs in familial hypercholesterolemia”. Today, I’d like to announce our second-place winner, Nicole Weaver, Clinical Geneticist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Nicole adopted VarSeq into her research pipeline in 2015 and… Read more »

The Clinical Utility of the 1000 Genomes Variant Frequencies

         December 19, 2017

We have a lot to thank the 1000 Genomes project for in the genomics community. By the collaborate efforts of many researchers and organizations, the project produced not only the first catalog of rare human variation but in the process standardized many things we take for granted, such as the VCF and BAM file formats. The variant frequencies of the… Read more »

VSWarehouse Updates with the Power of VarSeq 1.4.7

         November 30, 2017
VSWarehouse Updates

With the recent release of VarSeq 1.4.7, we have expanded the concepts of our popular assessment catalog to include CNV and other region-based records and not just variants. To match these capabilities, we have made a major update to VSWarehouse that supports these new record types in the centrally hosted and versioned Catalogs and Reports. Review of the VSWarehouse Genomic… Read more »

VarSeq Updated with CNV Annotations, CNV PhoRank and Region Assessment Catalogs

         October 19, 2017
VarSeq Updated

VarSeq Updated with CNV Annotations, CNV PhoRank, and Region Assessment Catalogs This year we have released multiple advances to support CNV analysis in VarSeq, expanding our target region based VS-CNV caller to handle exomes and low-depth genomes as well as additional supporting algorithms like calling Loss of Heterozygosity regions. To top this off, VarSeq 1.4.7 has been shipped with many… Read more »

Case Study: iTARGET Autism Project

         October 3, 2017

Dr. Suzanne Lewis is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Medical Genetics at University of British Columbia (UBC) and Senior Investigator at British Columbia Children’s Hospital Research Institute (BCCHR), Vancouver, Canada. She is also the Chair of the iTARGET Autism Project and Vice-Chair of Autism Canada Chief Medical Officer and VP Research of Pacific Autism Family Network. She and… Read more »

CNV Annotation Clinical Workflows Webcast: Q&A

         September 28, 2017
VS-CNV Annotations

  Gabe Rudy gave a fantastic presentation yesterday on the latest additions to VS-CNV annotations. If you weren’t able to join us for the live event, you can access the recording and webcast slides here: Comprehensive Clinical Workflows for Copy Number Variants in VarSeq. Additionally, there were many great questions asked that we wanted to share with the community. Question: Can I… Read more »

New VarSeq Single Exome Demo Project

         September 26, 2017
single exome

As VarSeq is quickly becoming the go-to variant analysis software for tertiary analysis, we want to give our readers the opportunity to examine completed projects from start to finish. As an addition to the currently available demonstration projects, we are pleased to provide users with a Single Exome Analysis example project. To access this project simply click here to download… Read more »

Upcoming Webcast: Comprehensive Clinical Workflows for Copy Number Variants in VarSeq

         September 14, 2017
Tumor Sequencing

September 27, 2017 12:00 PM, EDT While Copy Number Variants are important to detect and interpret in many clinical genetic tests, labs have been without a comprehensive solution that integrates the annotating and reporting of high-quality CNV alongside their existing NGS variants. Golden Helix has developed and validated with our clinical partners a specialized NGS-based CNV caller capable of detecting… Read more »

Upcoming Webcast: Advantages of VarSeq’s Annotation Capabilities

         August 31, 2017
genetic variants

September 13, 2017 12:00 PM, EST This month we’re branching out and covering a topic we’ve never explored before – annotation capabilities! Darby Kammeraad, Field Application Scientist at Golden Helix, will be giving us some insight into the advantages of VarSeq’s capability with annotations. The number of annotation topics to cover are seemingly limitless. In this webcast, we will focus… Read more »