Search Results for: Report

Including QC Metrics in Report Templates

         April 2, 2024

Our customers often ask if they can include quality control metrics in their final reports. While which metrics you actually need to report may be unique to your lab, there are a variety of metrics that we can immediately render into a report, and even more that can be rendered with a few customizations. For help with any report modifications,… Read more »

Accessing Report Templates and Simple Modifications

         September 18, 2023

Your variants of interest have been identified, the SVs annotated, and the CNVs classified. Once the manifest has been imported (and here is a great blog on the subject), the last step is to bring all of this information into a report template! In this blog, we will go over some simple report modifications and provide resources for more information… Read more »

When Negative Findings are a Good Thing to Report: Leveraging VarSeq’s VSClinical AMP

         May 25, 2023

Explore the importance of negative findings in genomic medicine through the lens of VarSeq’s VSClinical AMP. When analyzing a somatic sample in VarSeq, users have the option to report on several types of biomarkers with VSClinical AMP. In addition to your usual mutational biomarkers such as small variants, your copy number variants, and structural variants, we support the analysis of… Read more »

Managing the Scope of Somatic Variants Reported in VSClinical

         April 13, 2023
Managing the Scope of Somatic Variants Reported in VSClinical

Discover the power of VSClinical’s Interpretation Match Behavior options for managing the scope of somatic variants in cancer reporting, enabling clinical teams to make informed treatment decisions. Multiple interpretations can apply to a single biomarker or tumor type. In some circumstances, a clinical team may only want to report the most relevant and significant biomarker, treatment, diagnosis, or prognosis interpretations… Read more »

Automated FASTQ to Reports with VarSeq Suite: A fast, flexible solution

         February 16, 2023
Automated FASTQ to Reports with VarSeq Suite

Discover the Thrilling Automation Capabilities of VarSeq Suite for NGS Testing and Learn How We’re Tackling Contemporary Lab Challenges First off, I’d like to thank everyone who joined us for our February webcast on the automation capabilities of the VarSeq software suite through VSPipeline. For those of you who joined us, I’m sure it’s obvious that automation is a topic… Read more »

FASTQ to Report: Streamlining the process with Golden Helix Software

         August 3, 2022

Manually converting FASTQs to VCFs, importing these into VarSeq, and building projects from scratch is adequate when you have only a handful of cases per week. But as you start ramping up production, the key to your lab’s success quickly becomes how quickly and efficiently you can get to the reporting of your analysis. This blog will explain how you… Read more »

Customizing Your Clinical Reports: Reordering the Variant List

         June 7, 2022

Oftentimes, the endpoint of a clinical variant analysis is a standardized, clinical report. As such, we ship a number of default templates with VSClinical for users to report their findings. But these templates are just a starting point! Our platform allows users to fully customize their reports to adhere to lab-specific preferences. We have shared a plethora of how-to’s on… Read more »

Reporting Secondary Germline Variants in VSClinical AMP

         March 2, 2022
Reporting Secondary Germline Variants in VSClinical AMP

Tumor profiling via next generation sequencing (NGS) often reveals secondary germline variants that may constitute important incidental findings. In May 2021, the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) released an updated policy statement for reporting incidental findings in exome and genome sequencing data along with a corresponding list of genes. These recommendations state that laboratories should report pathogenic… Read more »

Highlights from Advanced Report Customization in VSClinical Webcast: Somatic Reports

         January 6, 2022
advanced somatic report customization in vsclinical

In our previous blog, we covered the highlights of our Advanced Report Customization in VSClinical webcast in the context of germline clinical reports. Now, we bring you the next of the series: somatic clinical reports. In the recent webcast, Advanced Report Customization, we covered a range of somatic-focused clinical reports, demonstrating how easy it is to create AMP guideline-based clinical… Read more »

Highlights from Advanced Report Customization in VSClinical Webcast: Germline Reports

         December 14, 2021
germline clinical report blog

When it comes to clinical variant analysis for germline variants using ACMG guidelines, we understand that the clinical report is essentially the receipt for your services for the patient. In our recent webcast, Advanced Report Customization in VSClinical, we displayed several examples of report templates to show off the range of possibilities our users have to format their clinical report…. Read more »

VarSeq Advanced Reporting Customizations: Part 1

         November 9, 2021

As we move towards the end of the year, our FAS Team is excited to announce our short blog series highlighting some of the Customization Features in our up-and-coming VarSeq release! The goal of this blog series is to show examples of how generating a clinical report can be customized to accommodate a wide range of functionality. Our December webcast,… Read more »

Customized Reports in VSClinical with New Output Types

         September 23, 2021

Golden Helix VSClinical provides a guided workflow interface for following the ACMG and AMP guidelines to evaluate variants and CNVs for NGS tests. The output of this work is most often a lab-specific clinical report. Since it was introduced, we have provided a powerful Word-based templating system to allow labs the ability to generate customized reports to include specific content… Read more »

Customizing New VSClinical Report Templates

         March 9, 2021
VSClinical Word reporting

Clinical testing labs produce reports as the end product of the NGS variant detection and interpretation workflow. Necessarily, the content, detail, and presentation of the report needs to be specialized to each clinical lab, and potentially each offered test. Our last blog post introduced the new Word-based report templates in VSClinical. In this blog post, we will introduce and explore… Read more »

New VSClinical ACMG Word Report Templates

         February 18, 2021

The recent release of VarSeq 2.2.2 brings our Word report template system, previously featured in VSClinical AMP, to the VSClinical ACMG workflow. This blog post will describe how to use the Word template system using one of our shipped templates as well as how to start customizing your own templates. We will cover the three different report templates that ship… Read more »

Featured in The Journal of Precision Medicine: Golden Helix’s Recent Release for a New Workflow for Interpretating and Reporting Copy Number Variants in Concordance with the Recently Updated ACMG Guidelines: Introduction

         December 28, 2020

Have you seen us in The Journal of Precision Medicine? Last week, our team released VarSeq 2.2.2 loaded with a number of updates and VSClinical’s highly-anticipated ACMG-CNV Guideline workflow! We have spent the past several months sharing webcasts and blogs on this new capability. We are honored to also have this new solution recognized in The Journal of Precision Medicine… Read more »

Webcast Recap: Exploring New Features and Clinical Reports in the ACMG Guideline Workflow

         December 3, 2020
In-demo image of rare variants

Webcast Recap In the recent webcast “Exploring New Features and Clinical Reports in the ACMG Guideline Workflow”, Gabe and I took viewers through an evaluation with CNVs and SNVs according to the ACMG Guidelines where we generated and customized a clinical report. Along the way, we highlighted many new features that will soon be available in the upcoming VarSeq release…. Read more »

Upcoming VS-CNV Update: CNV Event Reporting with ACMG Guidelines

         October 22, 2020

Golden Helix is excited to release an upcoming VSClinical feature that allows users to analyze next-generation sequencing (NGS) CNV event reporting with ACMG guidelines. This feature will be the first in the NGS workspace to allow this capability and if you are curious about the functionalities you can get a sneak peek by looking at some of our most recent… Read more »

Golden Helix Announces New Workflow for the Interpretation and Reporting of Copy Number Variants in Concordance with the Recently Updated ACMG Guidelines

         August 18, 2020

The detection and interpretation of Copy Number Variants (CNVs) is vital for the clinical evaluation of individuals with a wide range of disorders. Golden Helix has remained at the forefront of CNVs in Next-Gen Sequencing (NGS) data since 2016 with the release of VS-CNV, our solution that allows you to both detect and analyze CNVs directly from NGS data. Earlier… Read more »

Updated VSReports Project Templates

         March 10, 2020

Generating a clinical report is the final step of most NGS pipelines and is important as it relays results and information to legacy systems, physicians and ultimately the patient. As reporting is a valuable process, Golden Helix offers reporting capabilities according to the ACMG and AMP guidelines but also as a standalone feature in VSReports. VSReports is a platform that… Read more »

New Tutorial: VSReports

         May 11, 2017
cancer gene panel tutorial

The new VSReports tutorial covers a basic VSReports workflow with an emphasis on understanding and exploring report customizations. This tutorial requires an active VarSeq license with the the VSReport feature included. You can go to Discover VarSeq or email [email protected] to request an evaluation license with the VSReports functionality included. VS Reports provides the ability to generate clinical-grade reports. This feature enables VarSeq… Read more »