Dr. Scherer is a Keynote Speaker at Genomics 2015

         September 8, 2015

A widely attended conference that is coming up on September 21-23 is the third international conference on Genomics 2015 in San Antonio, Texas. The theme of this year’s conference is “Implications and Impacts of Genomic Advances on Global Health“, which promises to provide some interesting presentations and discussions. Current issues in the field to be addressed include next-gen sequencing, clinical and… Read more »

An Introduction to Hilal Al Shekaili

         September 3, 2015

The past few months our webcast has featured a winner from our Annual Abstract Challenge, and we are happy to have our second place winner, Hilal Al Shekaili, as our speaker for September. Hilal’s submission surrounded novel genetic variants in a consanguineous family with pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy, and he will speak on his studies next Wednesday, September 9th (register here). To… Read more »

OMIM Coming to VarSeq

         September 1, 2015

When it comes to down to it, the genomic variants we collect in a research and clinical setting are impossible to interpret without that important link of how genes are related to phenotypes. Indisputably, the Johns Hopkins project to catalog all evidence related to inheritable Mendelian diseases is our best repository of this evidence. Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)… Read more »

Between Two Bases: Coordinate Representations for Describing Variants

         August 27, 2015

Have you ever scratched your head when looking up a variant and it seems like the number you have for its position is one off from what it looks like in the file or database? You may be running into the dreaded world of 1-based versus 0-based coordinate representation! If it’s any consolation, I can promise that all the bioinformaticians… Read more »

GxE Regression Option to be Available in SVS

         August 26, 2015

We are pleased to announce that another one of the most asked for features is going to be a part of our SNP & Variation Suite™ software, Gene by Environment Interaction Regression (also known as GxE Regression). Earlier this year other highly asked for features were added to SVS including applying a prediction model to a new dataset, cross-validation for… Read more »

Coverage Statistics Come to VarSeq

         August 20, 2015

A prerequisite for clinical NGS interpretation is ensuring that the data being analyzed is of high enough quality to support the test results being returned to the physician. The keystone of this quality control process is coverage analysis. Coverage analysis has two distinct parts. Ensure that there is sufficient coverage to be confident in called variants Make certain that no… Read more »

Quality Assurance: Is it a Boy or Girl?

         August 18, 2015

A common question that comes through support is if there are options in SVS for doing gender inference or checks. There is indeed functionality in SVS for this QC check!  This function is under the Genotype Menu for Sample Statistics; there are a lot of great statistics available to check the quality of your data in SVS, but I’ll walk… Read more »

Our Customers’ Success

         August 13, 2015

August is off to a great start, especially for some of our customers who have recently published. I wanted to take a minute to share their work with you. Gabor Meszaros of BOKU University Vienna and colleagues published Genome-Wide Selection Signatures in Pinzgau Cattle in Potravinarstvo Scientific Journal for Food Industry which used SNP BeadChips to identifygenomic regions near QTL associated… Read more »

Dr. Folefac Aminkeng Publishes in Nature Genetics

         August 11, 2015

Today I wanted to take a moment to recognize a long-time Golden Helix customer, Dr. Folefac Aminkeng of the Canadian Pharmacogenomics Network for Drug Safety and the University of British Columbia on his recent publication A coding variant in RARG confers susceptibility to anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in childhood cancer, in Nature Genetics. Aminkeng and his colleagues performed a genome-wide association study in… Read more »

An Introduction to Vivien Sheehan

         August 6, 2015
Dr. Vivien Sheehan

Last month our webcast featured the third place winner of our Annual Abstract Challenge, Dr. Raluca Mateescu, and August’s webcast will feature co-winner, Dr. Vivien Sheehan. Dr. Sheehan’s submission last winter surrounded the pharmacogenomics of hydroxyurea in sickle cell anemia, and we are excited to have her present this research for our Golden Helix community next week (August 12th, register… Read more »

The 10th Anniversary of GWAS

         July 30, 2015
10th Anniversary of GWAS

GWAS became possible about 10 years ago as the result of several scientific advances. Since then, GWAS has continually developed as a primary method for identification of disease susceptibility genes in humans and other organisms. At Golden Helix we are proud of our history in supporting GWAS analysis from its inception. Our software was used to analyze whole-genome data from… Read more »

Recent Customer Publications

         July 28, 2015

Congratulations to all of our customers who have recently published! It’s always a pleasure to see the interesting and useful work conducted in part with the aid of our software, and we hope you enjoy reading about it as well. Bradley Aouzierat of UCSF and colleagues published Association of IFNL3 and IFNL4 polymorphisms with liver-related mortality in a multiracial cohort… Read more »

Analyze Your 23andMe Genotype Files with Golden Helix

         July 22, 2015

I was definitely an early adopter when it comes to personal genomics. In a recent email to their customer base announcing their one millionth customer, they revealed that I was customer #44,299. And I have been consistently impressed with the product 23andMe provides through their web interface to make your hundreds of thousands of genotyped SNPs accessible and useful. It… Read more »

Fulgent Diagnostics Implements VSPipeline to Speed Analysis & Interpretation

         July 22, 2015

Today, we are proud to announce our collaboration with Fulgent Diagnostics, a CLIA certified molecular diagnostics lab. Fulgent offers more than 4,000 single gene tests among others and will implement VSPipeline to help speed up their analysis and interpretation process. On our quest to enable precision medicine, we look forward to working with Fulgent and other diagnostics labs in the… Read more »

Meta-Analysis is now available in SVS!

         July 21, 2015

Earlier this spring we announced that Meta-Analysis was coming to SVS very soon. Now, I am pleased to announce that it is available in the latest release of SVS (version 8.4.0). Meta-Analysis takes the results of two or more GWAS studies for multiple SNPs or markers, and standard meta-analysis statistics are then performed on each SNP and the results compiled into… Read more »

Tumor/Normal Pair support now available in VarSeq!

         July 16, 2015

VarSeq now supports analysis of paired Tumor/Normal samples! Tumor/Normal support has been one of the most common feature requests for VarSeq since it was launched late last year, and we are excited to make this functionality available to all of our VarSeq users in the latest update (version 1.1.4). VarSeq is a powerful platform for annotation and filtering of DNA… Read more »

Top 5 things you need to know about VSPipeline

         July 14, 2015

Recently, Golden Helix, Inc. announced the addition of VSPipeline to our VarSeq software suite. VSPipeline is a command-line interface that will allow high throughput environments the ability to tap the full power of VarSeq’s algorithms and flexible project template system from any command line context, including existing bioinformatics pipeline. So, what is the big deal? Here are the top five… Read more »

Using GWAS to Improve the Economics of the Aquaculture Industry

         July 9, 2015

Recently, customer Xin Geng of Auburn University published a paper using SVS, and we wanted to share his story with you. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or if you would like to learn more about SVS at [email protected]. For PhD graduate student Xin Geng, conducting Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) to uncover the quantitative trait… Read more »

Comparing Variants using a Venn Diagram

         July 7, 2015

One of the lesser known functions in SVS allows the user to create Venn diagrams comparing variants found in multiple spreadsheets. These different spreadsheets could come from individuals samples, a case vs. control group or several variant databases. It is a helpful tool for visually comparing different variants. Start by creating spreadsheets for each group/samples you’d like to compare. The… Read more »