Cross-Validation for Genomic Prediction in SVS

         April 28, 2015

The SNP and Variation Suite (SVS) software currently supports three methods for genomic prediction: Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Predictors (GBLUP), Bayes C and Bayes C-pi. We have discussed these methods extensively in previous blogs and webcast events.  Although there are extensive applications for these methods, they are primarily used for trait selection in agricultural genetics. Each method can be used… Read more »

Precision Medicine – Part III – Tailoring diagnostic and therapeutic strategies

         April 23, 2015
therapeutic strategies

Tailoring diagnostic and therapeutic strategies Many have called Sir William Osler (1849-1910) the “Father of Modern Medicine”. He was one of the four founding professors of Johns Hopkins Hospital where he was instrumental in creating the first residency program for the specialty training of physicians. He brought medical students from the classroom to the bedside for clinical training. He shared… Read more »

VarSeq as a Clinical NGS Platform Q&A

         April 21, 2015
CNV User

Our VarSeq as a Clinical Platform webcast last week highlighted some recent updates in VarSeq that support gene panel screenings and rare variant diagnostics. The webcast generated some good questions, and I wanted to share them with you. If the questions below spark new questions or need clarification, feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected]. Question: Should… Read more »

Visually Filtering Data in GenomeBrowse

         April 16, 2015

Over 650 GenomeBrowse licenses have been registered and downloaded since the beginning of 2015, and with so many people enjoying the utility of this freeware program, I wanted to showcase some advanced tips and tricks so you can get more out of GenomeBrowse! Under the Controls panel, when you’re clicked inside a data plot, there is a “Filter” tab. This… Read more »

Precision Medicine Part II – Reimbursement and Cost

         April 14, 2015

Reimbursement and Cost – Precision Medicine Part II The promise of Precision Medicine is to leverage highly targeted therapies for the benefit of the patient. By understanding better what makes us unique and leveraging our genetic make up, we hope to improve the outcome for the individual. Now, this blog is focusing on one issue that we collectively have to… Read more »

Unique Labs, Common Tool: Making VarSeq Ready for Clinical Workflows

         April 9, 2015

As VarSeq has been evaluated and chosen by more and more clinical labs, I have come to respect how unique each lab’s analytical use cases are. Different labs may specialize in cancer therapy management, specific hereditary disorders, focused gene panels or whole exomes. Some may expect to spend just minutes validating the analytics and the presence or absence of well-characterized… Read more »

Precision Medicine – Part I

         April 7, 2015

Precision Medicine Initiative On January 30, 2015, the Precision Medicine Initiative was announced by President Obama. Many in our field, researchers and clinicians alike, recognize that such a program would bring additional funding into our space to design, develop and implement new diagnostic tests that are aiding physicians in their practice of precision medicine. Here is what we know. Led by the National Institutes of Health (NIH),… Read more »

Recent Customer Publications

         April 2, 2015

Some of our customers have recently published using our SVS and VarSeq software in their studies. We wanted to share their work and congratulate everyone on their success! Maria Skerenova at the Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and her colleagues published Genetic variants in interleukin 7 receptor α chain (IL-7Ra) are associated with multiple sclerosis risk and disability progression in Central European… Read more »

Q&A Surrounding the Molecular Sciences Made Personal Webcast

         March 26, 2015

This week, Dr. Jeffery Moore presented a webcast on the Molecular Sciences Made Personal. The webcast delved into Dr. Moore’s attempts to transform how they teach chemistry at the University of Illinois and demonstrated how he uses VarSeq with his students to examine exome data. The following are the questions asked by the attendees. Please feel free to reach out… Read more »

Our top 5 most visited blog posts

         March 24, 2015

Over the last year our blog has seen a boom in visits and of course, I became curious. What brings people to “Our 2 SNPs…”? So, I decided to take a look at the blog posts that our community find the most intriguing. Here are my findings: Comparing BEAGLE, IMPUTE2, and Minimac Imputation Methods for Accuracy, Computation Time, and Memory… Read more »

Supercentenarian Variant Annotation: Complex to Primitive

         March 19, 2015

In a previous blog post, I demonstrated using VarSeq to directly analyze the whole genomes of 17 supercentenarians. Since then, I have been working with the variant set from these long-lived genomes to prepare a public data track useful for annotation and filtering. Well, we just published the track last week, and I’m excited to share some of the details… Read more »

Question and Answers: Cancer Gene Panels Webcast

         March 17, 2015

Last week we conducted a webcast on “Cancer Gene Panels”; you can find the recording here. We had some excellent questions which we answered during the webcast and a few more that we didn’t get to in the allotted time. Please find answers to those questions here: 1. Are Cancer Gene Panels just another stepping stone on the way to… Read more »

Analyzing a Unique Family Structure in VarSeq 1.1.1

         March 12, 2015

I am constantly on the lookout for fun or interesting datasets to analyze in SVS or VarSeq and recently came across a study looking into inherited cardiac conduction disease in an extended family (Lai et al. 2013). The researchers sequenced the exomes from five family members including three affected siblings and their unaffected mother and an unaffected child of one… Read more »

Recent Customer Publications

         March 10, 2015

Several of our customers have published recently, using the SVS software and I wanted to share their work. Congrats to all! Daria Babushok and colleagues at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia published Emergence of Clonal Hematopoiesis in the Majority of Patients with Acquired Aplastic Anemia in the Cancer Genetics Journal which used comparative whole exome sequencing to evaluate clonal hematopoiesis in acquired aplastic… Read more »

Introducing Phenotype Gene Ranking in VarSeq

         March 3, 2015

Personal genome sequencing is rapidly changing the landscape of clinical genetics. With this development also comes a new set of challenges. For example, every sequenced exome presents the clinical geneticist with thousands of variants. The job at hand is to find out which one might be responsible for the person’s illness. In order to reduce the search space, clinicians use various methods… Read more »

2nd Annual Abstract Challenge Winners

         February 26, 2015

This year’s abstract challenge was another great success. We received over 30 submissions and topics ranged from GWAS to RNA Seq to exome sequencing, and the list goes on. With so many excellent submissions this year, we chose 4 winners, with a tie for 3rd place. Dr. Sergey Kornilov Our first place winner is Dr. Sergey Kornilov, a Postdoctoral Associate… Read more »

What TriCon 2015 Foreshadows for Clinical Genomics

         February 25, 2015

I spent a very eventful week at the Molecular TriCon in downtown San Francisco, and have been pondering the very clear trends that emerged by attending the clinical and NGS focused talks. Cancer gene panels make sense economically and as “massively parallel” tests to inform therapy, but they are bound to get more complex. Liquid biopsies of circulating tumor DNA… Read more »

TriCon 2015

         February 24, 2015

TriCon 2015 was well worth the visit to San Francisco. The combination of extensive programming in conjunction with a large exhibition makes it a must-attend event for scientist and professionals in our industry and the conference seems to grow year after year.  This year, we paid a lot of attention to the Clinical Sequencing portion of the event. In this track,… Read more »

Recent Customer Success

         February 19, 2015

A few of our customers have published recently and I would like to take the time to both recognize them for their achievement and pass on their articles. Enjoy! Kazima Bulayeva at the Vavilov Institute of General Genetics and her colleagues recently published Genomic Structural variants are linked with intellectual disability in the Journal of Neural Transmission. The paper looks at mutations… Read more »