Category Archives: How to’s and advanced workflows

Automating Clinical Workflows: Part I

         April 3, 2019

Automating a clinical workflow creates a stable and repeatable clinical analysis. Automation reduces the potential to introduce human error, helps in regulatory compliance, and improves the precision of the clinical results. It is important to know that if you run a sample through your clinical pipeline, you are going to get the same results today as you will in 6… Read more »

Clinical Variant Analysis: Part I

         February 19, 2019

Clinical Variant Analysis – Applying ACMG Guidelines to Analyze Germline Diseases The clinical interpretation of genetic variants is time-consuming and requires strict attention to detail. Clinicians must thoroughly review any variants that could potentially cause disease using a complex set of guidelines. There are guidelines for the interpretation of variants relating to hereditary risk, germline diagnostics issued by the American… Read more »

How To: VarSeq VCF Import

         February 5, 2019

The Beginning of Your Tertiary Analysis VarSeq is designed to be your NGS tertiary analysis solution providing users simple but in-depth means of exploring gene panel, exome, and whole genome variants. For those not accustomed to the VarSeq software, the main import file for variant analysis is the VCF. Those who are familiar with the VCF know that there can… Read more »

Top-Quality GWAS Analysis: Part V

         January 28, 2019

As our final part of the ‘Top-Quality GWAS Analysis’ blog series, we will be giving a summary of the values behind GWAS quality control and quality assessment. Performing GWAS can provide insight into the association of genetic variants with traits and complex disorders. Any novel insights into marker-phenotype associations need to be based on performing quality control steps. In this… Read more »

Top-Quality GWAS Analysis: Part IV

         January 24, 2019

Population Stratification This article is going to cover how to factor for population stratification in your association test to continue our blog series on top quality GWAS analysis (additional articles for this series are located at the bottom of this blog). Quality control steps up to this point have included assessing sample and marker statistics, LD pruning on markers, and… Read more »

Top-Quality GWAS Analysis: Part III

         January 22, 2019

Sample Relatedness Pruning your data based on Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) values and filtering for sample “relatedness” are ideal quality assurance steps following the marker and sample quality filtering described in Part II of this blog series. The value of running an Identity by Decent estimation not only allows you to factor family relatedness in your samples but makes screening for… Read more »

Considerations When Calling CNVs on Shallow Whole Genomes

         December 20, 2018
CNV Annotations

We are happy to announce that our latest version of SVS includes the ability to call CNVs on low read depth Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data. Designed for calling large cytogenetic events, this algorithm can detect chromosomal aneuploidy events and other large events spanning one or more bands of a chromosome from genomes with average coverage as low as 0.05x…. Read more »

VarSeq PhoRank Part: 2 Sample PhoRank Gene Ranking

         December 18, 2018

The PhoRank tool in VarSeq is further explored in this post by looking at the sample-specific capability. VarSeq PhoRank Part: 1 Variant Phorank Gene Ranking showed how the PhoRank algorithm could be applied to all the variants in a VarSeq project, regardless of the number of (or difference in) samples. There is another PhoRank algorithm in VarSeq that allows the… Read more »

VarSeq PhoRank Part 1: Variant PhoRank Gene Ranking

         December 13, 2018

One of the main goals of clinical genomic labs is to identify problematic variants in affected individuals. One tool to assist in this search is the phenotype driven variant ontological re-ranking tool in VarSeq called PhoRank. A common situation facing clinicians is sorting through thousands of variants provided by an individual’s exome data (or possibly the individual’s nuclear family exome… Read more »

VSClinical Best Practice Workflows: Part II

         November 15, 2018

In part one of this series, we discussed how the ACMG Classifier can be implemented in your filter chain to support a best practice workflow. To continue our discussion on best practices of VSClinical, this blog will shed light on other attributes of VSClinical that can add support to your evaluation. Specifically, we will explore how VSClinical can help users… Read more »

VSClinical Best Practice Workflows: Part I

         November 13, 2018

VSClinical is our most recent product that allows users to evaluate variants according to the ACMG guidelines. As with any tertiary analysis, there is a need to implement best practices into your workflow and using VSClinical for the ACMG guidelines is no exception. That said, we have put together a Best Practices Blog Series, with the purpose of discussing some… Read more »

Accessing your VSWarehouse Browser

         October 23, 2018
VSWarehouse Updates

In the first two parts of this blog, we presented examples of how to leverage Warehouse-stored VSClinical and CNV assessment catalogs in the VarSeq project. Now we are going to explore the Warehouse interface a bit more and show how to query on stored variant data. To access Warehouse from VarSeq, click the V Connect icon located in the top… Read more »

VSClinical and VSWarehouse – Leveraging Consistent Clinical Interpretations

         October 22, 2018
VSWarehouse Updates

Part 1 of this blog series was focused on new capabilities in Warehouse to store your CNV results. We explored some approaches of how to utilize assessment catalogs of cohort and known pathogenic events. What makes Warehouse so useful in this application is that the catalog is accessed from one central location and ensures every user is leveraging the same… Read more »

Using the GRCh38 Reference Assembly for Clinical Interpretation in VSClinical – Webcast Recap

         October 2, 2018
VCF file format

Even though GRCh37 is currently the most widely used human genome assembly, GRCh38 provides a more complete human reference genome, offers more accurate genomic analysis, and includes centromere and mitochondrial information. However, we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Perhaps start with how we got here. The Human Genome Project started this all off with the world’s largest biological collaboration project in… Read more »

Getting Started Guide for Sentieon – Part II

         September 25, 2018

Creating Custom Scripts The first part of the Getting Started Guide for Sentieon described the steps for downloading the Sentieon tools, acquiring a license file, and running the example script/pipeline to generate the VCF and BAM files. This blog will cover some custom script changes users can make to add more efficiency when running through multiple samples at once. We… Read more »

Getting Started Guide for Sentieon

         September 21, 2018

Sentieon; your swift secondary analysis solution. Golden Helix’s software solutions present a reputable and top-quality analysis of your NGS data. Looking at this process from a 30,000 ft view, the annotation and filtering of variants in your vcf files and discovery of CNVs based coverage data in the bam file make up the tertiary level portion of the analysis. However,… Read more »

GWAS Quality Control Within SVS

         August 23, 2018

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are useful in genetics as they test for the association of a phenotype with common genetic variants. GWAS is “hypothesis-free” and does not require prior knowledge of a gene’s biological impact on a trait. The catch though is that this leads to analyzing hundreds to thousands of genome-wide array samples to elucidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with a specific phenotype.

CNV Setup & Quality Assessment: Part 1

         July 26, 2018

2017 was a busy year regarding the development of our CNV tools. Since the release of the CNV caller, we have produced quite a bit of content tailored to assist our users with getting started. Here are some links: Robarts Research Institute CNV analysis on patients with familial hypercholesterolemia CNV annotations Common CNV questions CNV calling with shallow whole genome… Read more »