Category Archives: How to’s and advanced workflows

Compute Kinship Matrices & GBLUP on Very Large Sample Sets

         August 2, 2016
Binary Data

Now available in SVS! Increasingly important in the analysis of the genotype to phenotype relationship is accurately accounting for the relatedness of samples. This is especially important to model correctly in plant and animal populations where man-directed breeding shapes the relationship structure. Along with trait association, one of the high-value use cases for genotyping animals and plants is to estimate… Read more »

Our 5 Most Watched Webcasts

         July 21, 2016
5 Most Watched Webcasts

Every month hundreds of clinicians and researchers access the variety of free resources on the Golden Helix website. Our resource library hosts eBooks, webcasts and tutorials to keep the community apprised of new methods, informed on best practices and to help our customers get the most out of their software purchase. Here is a list of the 5 most watched webcasts… Read more »

VSPipeline Tips and Tricks

         June 2, 2016
VSPipeline Tips & Tricks

The power of VSPipeline is in it’s ability to automate VarSeq workflows. Using VarSeq to create a pipeline template is great because it allows you to dial in the applied filters as well as interactively organize the annotations and applied algorithms. Automating a workflow with VSPipeline is  straightforward when beginning with an existing project. However, there are several steps that… Read more »

Customizing Workflows for Family Structure

         May 12, 2016
family structure

During the webcast yesterday, I demonstrated a few ways of customizing de Novo Candidate and Compound Heterozygous Candidate workflows to consider family structure that was slightly different from the default trio workflow. The families included additional affected and unaffected siblings added to a trio as well as looking at what could be done if there were only two affected siblings… Read more »

Custom Family Workflows featured in May Webcast

         April 26, 2016

Wednesday, May 11th 12:00 pm EDT VarSeq contains default workflows for Trio analysis which include filter chains for identifying de Novo and Compound Heterozygous variants, but what if you have data for a full Quad or even just a few siblings? How could your VarSeq workflow be adjusted to handle this custom family structure?In this presentation we will demonstrate how… Read more »

Clinical Reports – New & Improved Templates!

         April 14, 2016

Clinical reports come in all shapes, sizes and flavors. With that in mind, our clinical reporting interface VSReports was built to be highly customizable and flexible.  With a little Javascript and HTML know-how, your clinical reports can be customized to meet the needs and goals of your lab. With a little Javascript and HTML know how, you can customize yours as… Read more »

Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) Workflows in SVS

         March 29, 2016

Did you know you can analyze your Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) data in SVS? Well you can! You can combine tools for both GWAS quality control and analysis with tools for NGS data analysis to either identify SNPs in your dataset or to identify differences between populations or sub-species. If your species has a reference sequence or even if you… Read more »

Compound Heterozygous Workflows: Including a 2nd Affected Child

         February 2, 2016

Compound Heterozygous Workflows: Including a 2nd Affected Child Looking for Compound Heterozygous regions for a trio is fairly straight forward in VarSeq, we include this workflow in our shipped Exome Trio Template. An example of which is included with our Example Projects which can be found by going to File > Example Projects > Example YRI Exome Trio Analysis. But… Read more »

GWAS Example Project Updated for SVS Viewer

         January 26, 2016

With the release of our updated GWAS E-book, we have recently updated the GWAS example project (SNP Genome-Wide Association Tutorial – Complete). This updated project includes more details about how spreadsheets were generated, how to generate plots and which images were used for the GWAS E-book. This information can be found in the User Notes view in the project navigator and… Read more »

Match Gene List algorithm not just for genes

         December 17, 2015

The most common use of the VarSeq Match Gene List algorithm of course is to determine if the variants in your data set are contained within your genes of interest. As an example of this, say you are working with a whole exome trio and only want to consider those variants that are contained within the 56 genes recommended by… Read more »

Handling Singletons & Complex Pedigrees with Gene Count Algorithms

         December 3, 2015

As VarSeq’s adoption has grown among analysts using whole exome data to diagnose rare diseases, a couple of family designs outside of the common trio of an affected child and both parents have come up frequently. While having both parents provides the maximum power to discover de novo mutations and recessively inherited variants, it is not always possible to contact… Read more »

Tumor-normal demo project comes to VarSeq

         December 1, 2015

With the release of VarSeq 1.3.1 we have included a new demo project to showcase a single tumor-normal pair analysis workflow. The project can be accessed through VarSeq and VarSeq Viewer by going to File > Open Example Projects > Example Tumor-Normal Pair Analysis. This project contains an exome pair (Normal-N990005 and Tumor-T990005) from the Gastric Cancer study Exome sequencing of… Read more »

A New and Unexpectedly Powerful VarSeq Feature

         November 17, 2015

With the release of VSReports, we added the ability to “select” rows of your filtered output (often variants, but potentially things like coverage regions or genes) with a new feature dubbed “Record Sets”, but more often described as “colored checkboxes” for your tables. Although necessary for the important task of marking primary, secondary or other sets of variants for a… Read more »

Try out SVS for Free!!

         November 10, 2015

Give our SVS viewer a try today! Interested in seeing what the SNP & Variation Suite (SVS) software can do? Download the free SVS Viewer! With the SVS Viewer, you can explore and interact with the workflows of a pre-built projects. To get you started, we have included a SNP GWAS project for you to download. And don’t worry, it is… Read more »

Analyzing a Single Sample Exome in VarSeq

         October 22, 2015

While VarSeq comes with a number of starter workflows that are stored as templates, customers also have the option of creating filter chains from scratch; analyzing a single exome may require you to do exactly that. In this blog, I’ll go through analyzing a single exome and generating a list of variants for further study. After importing the variant data… Read more »

GxE Regression Option to be Available in SVS

         August 26, 2015

We are pleased to announce that another one of the most asked for features is going to be a part of our SNP & Variation Suite™ software, Gene by Environment Interaction Regression (also known as GxE Regression). Earlier this year other highly asked for features were added to SVS including applying a prediction model to a new dataset, cross-validation for… Read more »

Coverage Statistics Come to VarSeq

         August 20, 2015

A prerequisite for clinical NGS interpretation is ensuring that the data being analyzed is of high enough quality to support the test results being returned to the physician. The keystone of this quality control process is coverage analysis. Coverage analysis has two distinct parts. Ensure that there is sufficient coverage to be confident in called variants Make certain that no… Read more »

Tumor/Normal Pair support now available in VarSeq!

         July 16, 2015

VarSeq now supports analysis of paired Tumor/Normal samples! Tumor/Normal support has been one of the most common feature requests for VarSeq since it was launched late last year, and we are excited to make this functionality available to all of our VarSeq users in the latest update (version 1.1.4). VarSeq is a powerful platform for annotation and filtering of DNA… Read more »

Comparing Variants using a Venn Diagram

         July 7, 2015

One of the lesser known functions in SVS allows the user to create Venn diagrams comparing variants found in multiple spreadsheets. These different spreadsheets could come from individuals samples, a case vs. control group or several variant databases. It is a helpful tool for visually comparing different variants. Start by creating spreadsheets for each group/samples you’d like to compare. The… Read more »